Saturday, July 17, 2010

Water Reprieve

Water Reprieve

a muggy chaotic sky forms
and threatens rain,
. . . we wait . . .
on rain we need or
just want,
rain which remains above us,
in refusing clouds . . .

. . . we wait . . .

then it teases
with a thousand sprinkles
spotting steaming pavement
and bone-dry dirt with polka dots
that change into tiny puffs of
earthy perfume. They rise
with our wishes . . .
then the droplets grow,
multiply, fall and fill
streets and earth,
curbs of thirsty life, and us . . .

with reprieve.


[Sent via iPhone]

Sunday, July 04, 2010


1. You Stripped Me of My Sanity

2. Caged Birds Dream

[posted via iPhone]